- Programs
- 0–2 years Bumble Bees
- 2-3 years Playhouse
- 3-5 years Nutgrove
- 3-5 years Seagulls
- OSHC 5-8 years Sandy Bay Infant School OSHC
- Outside School Hours Care 5-12 years Waimea Heights Primary School OSHC
What happens at Seagulls?
Every child at Seagulls is valued as an individual. The broad range of activities that we offer - creative arts, gardening and outdoor play, local community excursions, early literacy experiences and experimenting with maths and science - means that every child has the opportunity to thrive.
The daily routine at Seagulls provides a combination of self-selected activities and structured play experiences. Participating in group activities will enable your child to grow in confidence, while also learning to share and take turns in a supportive environment.

Why choose Seagulls
We can accommodate up to 30 children in the Seagulls program. By keeping our numbers low, we can provide a responsive environment where the individual routines of your child are considered within the larger group.
One of the key benefits of enrolling your child at Seagulls is that we take full advantage of our location on the spectacular Waimea Heights campus: we make regular visits to the nearby playground, the school oval and the adjacent reserve and the bush tracks.
As the only childcare provider on site, we are able to focus on school readiness and transition to school, not just through our curriculum planning but through our everyday routines with the children.
For more information about Seagulls please contact us, or sign up for the waiting list here