- Programs
- 0–2 years Bumble Bees
- 2-3 years Playhouse
- 3-5 years Nutgrove
- 3-5 years Seagulls
- OSHC 5-8 years Sandy Bay Infant School OSHC
- Outside School Hours Care 5-12 years Waimea Heights Primary School OSHC
Waimea Heights Primary School OSHC
What happens at Waimea Heights Primary School OSHC?
During school term time, Lipscombe provides before and after school session at Waimea Heights. Operating from the School's General Purpose room, the sessions are run by an experienced team of staff who plan the program of activities around the needs and interests of current students. Homework, sport or other commitments can usually be accommodated.
Before school care is available from 7.45am to 9am: Students grade 1-6 are signed out to go to school after 8.30am, while younger students are directly supported to reach to their classrooms by 9am.
After school care is available from 2.45pm to 6pm. Students prep to grade 6 attend in the GP room. For kinders, an educator joins them in the kinder room so their day is seamless.
"My two children love going to Lipscombe Outside School Hours Care. They've developed great relationships with the friendly staff and enjoy the range of activities that are offered. They have so much fun that if I ever arrive early to collect them, they growl at me to go away again!" -- Shauna-Lee W

What happens at Waimea heights Primary School Vacation Care?
A vacation care program operates at Waimea Heights Primary School during school holidays (excluding public holidays) and on student-free days. Children of school age can enrol in the program, even if they do not attend Waimea.
A program of activities is made available prior to each holiday, and we welcome suggestions from children and families. Previous events and excursions have included: mini golf, cinema trips, soccer and cricket workshops, indoor rock climbing, beach and bush trips and trampolining.
Like all of Lipscombe's programs, our vacation care is run by dedicated, professional educators who will ensure your child has a fun, rewarding and safe experience.
Vacation care is available from 8am to 6pm during school holidays and on student-free days. Bookings are essential and children must be enrolled at the service to attend. Register on our waiting list to get started. Our upcoming Vacation Care program is available here!
For more information about Waimea Heights Primary School OSHC please contact us, or sign up for our waiting list here